Have a look at the platform

As a former credit manager for suppliers to the building and construction industry, I had first-hand knowledge of how beneficial BICB was to me.

I had the data to make informed decisions about providing credit. Seeing the payment patterns of how creditors paid other suppliers gave me insight into when to tighten credit.

Now the system issues ‘red flag alerts’ where a pattern of late payments across many suppliers could indicate that all is not well and could potentially be a precursor to insolvency. This and so much more!

BICB provides data and credit management services specifically for the building and construction industry. Our systems are state of the art, user friendly and data is up to date.

Significant investment has been made to ensure our members can be highly effective in credit management. Like myself, I know you like to do your job well. Let me show you how you can do it even better.

Simply complete the online form and I will be in touch to book a time for an online conference call to show you the platform members use. You won’t be disappointed; you will be amazed at how you will benefit from our services!

I look forward to speaking with you.

Carla Seirlis
Executive Director
Building Industry Credit Bureau

For more details on how we use the data collected, please read our Privacy Policy.

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